Created by Jesse Friedman, the Muryō Insert is a notebook companion that help organize and catalog your notebooks. It is not a separate notebook but a slim A5 card stock designed like a greeting card. It is meant to be used as a reference guide for bookmarking pages.
The insert has 2 pre-printed sides, one intended for daily tracking and another for indexing.
First Impressions
I received 3 inserts which, according to the website, will be good for 3 months.
At first, I didn’t think I’d be able to use the Muryō inserts. I already had a working organization system with my Bullet Journal and also my work planner. As I was looking through the inserts, I realized that I might be able to use it to track my moods in my Stream of Consciousness journal.
Although I’m not big on tracking moods and habits, I believed that it would be useful for my SoC journal. Tracking my moods in a minimalistic manner was a good way to understand my state of mind then. I haven’t been using the Muryō with my journal for far too long because I stopped journaling (again). However, once I get back my journaling groove again, I’d most likely keep using the Muryō.
If I keep doing this long enough, I’d be able to see the mood markers on top of my journal. Eventually, it would look like a scatter graph and I would be able to have a quick glance of my moods.
How to use Muryō
There are a lot of ways to use the inserts which Jesse had demonstrated in his website.
Who will benefit from Muryō?
I needed a way to manage my notes and ideas, a way to catalog and reference all that I was putting to paper, but most importantly I wanted to ensure that I wasn’t inhibited to write freely. So many books and planners require you to follow a strict regiment, I needed to embrace the chaos.
Jesse Friedman, Creator of Muryō
If you’re one of those people who have notes crammed in one notebook, the Muryō inserts will be a great way to keep tabs (ha, get it?) on specific topics. Use the “indexing” side of the card.
Bullet Journalists
If you use the Bullet Journal and don’t want to use the Index anymore, you might find this tool useful. You can use this to color code or simply mark pages using the Muryō.
Those who want to track progress
Maybe you’ve tried using a habit tracker but found yourself unable to keep up with the tracker. You can try using the tracking side of the Muryō insert.
The Kickstarter will start on April 12th (date subject to change) and you can learn more about it on their website.
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