If you’re new to bullet journaling, let me tell you this: this is just a guide! You don’t have to follow it to the letter. The bujo method is flexible and is adaptable to you, the user. This is a great way to get started though. After a few days/weeks/months in bullet journaling, you will find what works best for you.
A Few Things I Did Differently and Why
I don’t use the inspiration signifier and explore signifiers because I haven’t found the need for them yet.
🔲 Task box – I’m a visual person! I tried using bullets the first time around but my brain couldn’t process which ones are tasks fast enough. Boxes instead of task bullets jumped right out of the page and made me more compelled to finish all my tasks
◼️ Completed – I like shading the boxes and I feel better when the all my task boxes are shaded
🔺 Event – I was watching Ryder’s Getting Started video and I while I was preparing for this article, I was wondering why I used a triangle instead of a circle. Looking back, I think I opted for a triangle because it always looked like an “O” or a zero. And also I found it easier to draw a triangle as opposed to a circle-that-does-not-look-like-a-letter.

Those 3 are basically what I did differently each with strange reasons BUT effective ways for me to increase my own productivity!
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