RETO, known for their recreation of the Nishika 3D film camera, is launching their second product – the RETO Ultra Wide and Slim, a plastic toy camera with a 22mm lens. This is their own clone of the Vivitar Wide and Slim, which is possibly one of the more well-regarded toy cameras.
The RETO Ultra Wide and Slim follows the same form factor of the aforementioned camera and another clone, the Superheadz Wide and Slim.
The camera is available in five colours, namely the classic Charcoal and Cream, as well as voguish colours of Murky Blue, Pastel Pink and Muddy Yellow. (source)
- Film Format: 135 Film (24x36mm)
- Optics Lens: 22mm, F=11,
- 2-Element Optical Grade Acrylic Lenses
- Focusing: Focus Free, 1m~∞
- Shutter Speed: 1/125s
- Film Transport: Manual wind and rewind
- Dimensions: 100(W)x59(H)x28(D) mm
- Weight: 68.8g
- Main Material: ABS
Sample photos
Photos from RETO website and @reto.project
Where Can I Buy?
You can pre-order now on their website. Orders will be shipped out in February 2022.
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