PHILIPPINES – Vinta Inks, a company based in the Philippines, is one of the newest and hottest in the fountain pen market right now. They’re currently well-known for their high sheening and shimmering inks and have taken fountain pen enthusiasts by storm.
Check swabs and fountain pen ink reviews by Mountain of Ink.
The Vinta Initiative
Vinta Inks isn’t just passionate about their fountain pen inks. The company is also committed to giving back to the community. For every bottle sold, they will donate $0.50 (25 Philippine Pesos) to Teach for the Philippines, Inc., an organization dedicated to improving the quality of education for Filipino children.
“At Vinta, we believe that education is one of the most important paths towards poverty alleviation. That is why for every bottle of ink you purchase, we will donate P25.00 to Teach for the Philippines, Inc. in their goal to provide access to quality education for all Filipino children. Help us make the world a more colorful place, one bottle at a time.”
on the Vinta Initiative
What is Teach for the Philippines?
Teach for the Philippines (TFP) is a non-profit organization “that works to provide all Filipino children with access to inclusive, relevant, and excellent education.”
They focus on improving teacher quality and molding teachers who are committed to making a difference in the Philippine public education system.
Their progress so far…
As of August 2019, Vinta Inks has already raised approximately US$1088 (56,175 in Philippine Peso) to Teach for the Philippines.
Where to buy and how to support the cause
You can buy this directly on their website at or if you’re in the US, through Vanness Pens. All you need to do to support the cause is to purchase a 30ml bottle of ink that costs around $13. A representative from Vinta Inks confirmed that all bottles sold through all distributors are counted in the Vinta Initiative.
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